
Grab Life by the Ass

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. – Lao-Tzu

Are you happy? Are you where you want to be in life? Do you feel like you’ve lost your edge? Consider the following: You only have one shot-not at happiness, or love, or success-you have only one shot at life. Your life will end altogether too soon, so there is no time to waste in crappy moods or thoughts. There are no survivors on this earth, so why do you throw away your few precious seconds living a life you don’t enjoy? Would you like to change that? This is not a BS self love book. This is an easy to understand manual, a map, that will lead you to the life you want to live. This manual contains 17 life lessons that will help you to transform your autopilot mentality into a magical awareness and appreciation for the short gift of life we’ve all been given.The world will not conform to your wishes. People will not change for you.You should not change for people, yet you should change your perspective for yourself. Even Gandhi told us: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

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How to Become a Successful Writer Secrets the Mainstream Publishers Don't Want You to Know by Aaron Dennis

This manual brings to your fingertips all the practical knowledge required to build your long term writing career. Any writer of any level will benefit from the material within this comprehensive guide. From the neophyte to the professional, anyone who reads this book will learn everything from formulating an idea for a story, to practicing the art of the short story, to writing proper fanfiction, and writing an original novel.

This book not only teaches how to write, but also how to market, edit, publish, and all with exercises and even free resources. From start to finish, the ideas presented are done so in an easy to understand and entertaining fashion. By the end of this manual, you will not only know how to write, edit, publish, and market your book, but you’ll know what kind of publishing is right for you.

Why don’t publishing companies want you to know these secrets? Publishers run an exclusive good ole’ boy club, and in doing so, they choose who they help to succeed, and who they help to fail, but when you learn these secrets, you’ll know that no writer needs a publisher in today’s internet age. Bypassing a publishing company not only allows you to maintain control and earn the bulk of your income, but it relegates the old, dinosaur, publishing companies to obscurity.

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